First I'll explain why I'm suddenly writing on Friday instead of Saturday. In this mission, P-days are more flexible, in the sense that they are on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and the elders all have different ones. This is because they need elders staffing the zones every day of the week, so everyone's P-days are staggered. Not only that, P-days can change during transfers. From now on, I'll make sure to let you all know when transfers are coming up, because my P-day may change.
On that note, Tuesday was transfers, and I was assigned to my first zone. I am in Access Services. I work in the library, helping people find the resources they need to do research. Essentially, I'm a librarian. The library has about 400,000 books, so they use a modified version of the Dewey Decimal system to keep it straight. It is extremely complicated and very easily the most difficult part of the job. But it's fun and rather rewarding.
Monday was the Pioneer day celebrations. First, I went to a wonderful sunrise devotional in the Tabernacle. Then, us elders were able to go to the Days of '47 parade. It was a lot of fun with a lot of cool floats, but I do have to say the bands were my favorite part. And, you know who else was at the parade? Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard was part of it. Afterward, we hiked Ensign peak as a mission. That was a little hard, but the view was amazing and President Tate talked about the history of the peak. In all, it was a very good day.
Well, that's about it for this week. I'm doing fine, everything is starting to normalize and I'm happy to be serving the Lord. Don't forget about the Book of Mormon challenge, which starts Monday. If you don't think you'll be able to read 18 pages a day, that's fine, just do your best.
Much love,
Ryan the Librarian